Two Bedroom

Two Bed­room apart­ments located on the Lower Ground Floor offer­ing space, light and an out­door patio area.

The spa­cious apart­ments fea­ture a com­fort­able Living/Dining area equipped with flat screen TV/DVD and free satel­lite chan­nels and music sys­tem and the fully-equipped Kitchen includes all mod­ern appli­ances. The Mas­ter Bed­room is fit­ted with a King-size bed (that can be split into twin beds, if pre­ferred) and the sec­ond Bed­room is fit­ted with a dou­ble bed. Both Bed­rooms fea­ture custom-built wardrobes for stor­age. The Bath­room is fit­ted with bath and power shower and there is a sep­a­rate guest WC.
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